Proceedings of the IGCP 486 Field Workshop “Au-Ag-telluride-selenide deposits”

 Alfieris, D., and Voudouris, P. Ore mineralogy of transitional submarine to areal magmatic-hydrothermal deposits in W. Milos, Greece
 Elena Belogub, Konstantin Novoselov, Viktor Zaykov  Gold-silver paragenetic evolution in ore deposits of the Magnitogorsk paleoisland
arc (Southern Urals)
Bogdanov, K., Filipov, A., Kehayov, R.  Au-Ag-Te-Se minerals in teh Elatsite porphyry-copper deposits, Bulgaria
 Bonev, I., Petrunov, R., Atanassova, R  Filamentary native gold from the Elatsite porphyry Cu-Au deposot, Srednogorie zone, Bulgaria
Cabal, A., Beaudoin, G., Lehmann, B., Galbiatti, H  S/Se ratios in palladiferous gold coexisting
with palladseite, Cauê iron ore deposit,
Itabira district,
Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Minas Gerais, Brazil